We offer project and application based Implementation solutions and services to plan, design, implement, deploy and execute Track and Trace solutions for manufacturers, importers, distributors and buyers so as to effectively translate commercial and supply chain needs into a practical sustainable solution.

Our implementation services include but not limit to following scope;

1. Design Track and Trace Plan

2. Compliance and Validation with commercial and regulatory standards

3. Conformance with Trading and institutional partners

4. Best Practices

5. Manufacturing Line Level Equipment

6. Serialization Plan

7. Traceability Plan

8. SOP Development

9. QA / QC Standards Development

10. Deviation Management

11. Tri-Party negotiation / Management for End to End Solution delivery

12. Aggregation Implementation

13. Data Standardization and Warehousing

14. Implementation Documentation / Planning

15. Customized Projects

Our consultants are industry professionals and have designed, deployed and implemented several projects in Pakistan and International markets.

Please contact us for your consulting needs; so that you have access to fast-track implementation